Find and support a local business

The COVID-19 pandemic has made this an extremely difficult time for all businesses, including small and local businesses that are the backbone of our communities. These businesses are adapting quickly to stay open and serve their communities in light of the mandatory closures and safety measures in place.

The ability to support these businesses may differ depending on your area. Please adhere to all federal, provincial and local COVID-19 guidance.


In addition to the Back to Business Locator, we’re supporting small business owners with a hub of tools, resources, and offers designed to help them start, run, and grow their business. Plus, we’ve launched a campaign encouraging people to share recommendations of small businesses they love with #MySmallBizReco.

Get started

Enter your province, city and postal code (optional) in the tool below. You can also filter by business type and business name. To populate results, click the search button.

Don't see your business?

We are working to expand and grow this database. If a business in your community is not included in the results, please let us know. Email the business name, street address, city and province, and business website (if available) to [email protected]. Once we are able to verify the business, we’ll work to get it added.

How Visa powers the Back to Business Locator

Using our payment network, Visa is able to identify merchants that have recently processed a Visa transaction, suggesting some level of business operation. The Locator is then updated to reflect all merchants with transactions that have been processed in the last 24 hours, helping you find open businesses in your community.

Following a global crisis or natural disaster, businesses may face challenges in letting customers know they are open. Visa identifies merchants that have successfully processed a Visa transaction, which may be an indicator that the business is open. Within a day of Visa identifying a transaction, Visa updates the Back to Business Locator with information to help customers locate merchants that may be open.